More preparation. 26.3km, nice and slow…

Log 03/26/2016
Today was Vollrather Höhe, in Grevenbroich with 300 meter altitude. Ouch! I’m really exhausted right now. I’m starting to understand what I signed up for. That’ll be fun.

Log 03/28/2016
Added another 20km to my log. It’s time to add as much distance as possible. Also, I have to add incline. Just so hard to find around here. It feels good though …

Log 03/19/2016
Today was Venloop and it was best case ok. I’m not impressed with my performance by all means. Started to quick and consequently had to slow down at KM 16. Whatever, distance is what counts right now.

Log 03/15/2016
Buying running gear. My preferred exercise! New shoes, new backpack and running sticks. All done. I visited Wat läuft in Wattenscheid, the best shop ever, if you need great gear and professional service – Rolf is a runner himself and that makes all the difference. Did I mention that my excitement is growing? I’m sure…

Log 03/03/2016
Great news! The event host confirmed my extended stay. This is awesome. I will have 2 extra days for sight seeing in Bhutan.

Log 02/27/2016
Visited a friend in San Francisco and realized how hilly it is. This being hills. My respect for the Himalaya is growing by the day. The excitement, also.

Log 02/25/2016
Received final confirmation from event host today. Now it is for real, no turing back. My flights from Delhi International airport to Paro are secured, now I need to find myself a flight from Düsseldorf to Delhi and back and I’m all game. Also on the to do list are new running shoes, running sticks…

Log 02/14/2016
Stefan, the event host called me today. He’s trying to extend my stay for a few days. It would be great to do a little sight seeing in Bhutan after the race. We shall see.

Log 02/09/2016
Today my first orders arrived. Headlamp, knife, compass, survival blanket …. Now only shoes, backpack and running sticks and I’m all set. The tension is growing by the day and so is my respect for the trail.

Log 02/07/2016
My work schedule forces me to exercise insight – hotel style. So, I started to use the rolling-hills program on the treadmill. It’s not bad, I must admit. Once you pass level 6 it actually becomes pretty exhausting. I also did my Sunday run through the Baltimore harbour – 20+K in a 5:05/km pace. There…

Log 01/29/2016
Prepayment went out today. I’m officially part of the race now. It has become reality. I started to look into compass navigation but failed miserably – I’m talking about a real compass, not the one on your iPhone! I decide to postpone the topic for now. Looked for topological maps of Bhutan, nada. It all…

Log 01/28/2016
Today I put the first orders in. Knife, headlamp, first aid kit. Excitement is growing ….

Log 01/27/2016
Started to search for first aid supplies. There is plenty of little things to consider and purchase but it’s already fun. The biggest challenge ahead is the flight to Paro airport (the apparently most dangerous airport in the world). There is not direct flight from Germany to Paro, instead one must go through India or…

Log 01/26/2016
I have long thought about it and today finally did it. I signed up for a 6 day ultra-marathon race in Bhutan. This has been on my mind for years, as I always wanted to do something special. I just didn’t know what it was. Until I stumbled over a Facebook post one day –…