Dirk, having worked for and with you over these last four or five years, I have come to appreciate quite a few of your personal qualities, of which integrity, honesty and a deep empathy for other people’s needs are only examples. I have also come to learn that you would embrace a challenge just for…

What the son has to say…
Running four or more times a week is something not many people do. Running longer distances like a marathon is something that only a small minority of people will do or ever did. Being able to include my father as one of the few people that are physically and mentally strong and somewhat stupid enough to…

Eigentlich hätte ich es wissen müssen. Sofort. Ab dem Moment in dem die Wörter Bhutan, Ich und Laufen in einem Satz fielen. Bestandsaufnahme: Wir haben einen Mann der bis vor nicht allzu langer Zeit Laufen gar nicht mochte der Berge nur gut findet, wenn es bergab geht und der mich nach 8 Jahren immer noch…